#FakeHunter Challenge
- Note! Scammer

„Take the challenge and join the fight against fake news by creating a network
without fake. You also have an influence on what others read."


#FakeHunter Challenge - Note! Scammer

Meet the winners of the #FakeHunter Challenge - Note! Scammer competition that took place on December 3rd – 5th . During the 3 days of competition, we received over 1,500 entries and over 100 reports! The participants fought for attractive prizes.

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Internet fraud affects more and more people. We want to arm the society with knowledge on how not to be deceived and what to do in an emergency.

The three-day competition will be accompanied by a series of expert talks and debates broadcast live on fakehunter.pap.pl. Invited guests will explain to us what mechanisms are used by thieves to, for example, obtain details for logging into bank accounts, social networks or personal data management systems. We will talk about how to spot false information, how to avoid fraud and where we can seek help. The invited guests will include experts in the field of cybersecurity, psychology, doctors and public figures whose image has been unlawfully used for criminal purposes.


Join the fight against fake news on December 3-5th

Register today! We are waiting for you!

According to the regulations, the competition is open to teams of 1 to 5 people. Points are awarded for reporting untrue information or preparing a fact-check report based on credible sources of information.

Join us in the fight against internet fraud. By sharing and reporting on harmful practices on this topic, you have the chance to prevent others from falling into the trap of fraud.

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Submit fake info, report or information about the source of the false information

Have you registered yourself or your team? Cool! You are ready to submit competition entries from 00:01 03.12 to 11:00 05.12. Use the form below, providing the same email address as provided on the registration form.

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About the competition

The competition is open to all Internet users over 13 years of age who can speak Polish or English. Points from the works qualified and assessed by the jury are added up. Before that, you must register and decide on the composition of the team. Teams from 1 to 5 members can participate in the competition. The competition consists of two parts: - fake news hunting - reporting scams - fact checking challenge - preparing and submitting verification reports


  • Health and Beauty - drug fraud, deceptive healers, miracle therapies, diets and other instant weight loss recipes, methods of combating hair loss, graying, beautifying the body and enlarging its various parts.
  • Economy and business - fraudulent trade offers, business proposals, falsification of documents and company data.
  • Finance and banking - All kinds of misleading offers and false promises of financial gain, windfall profits, phishing of login details for bank accounts and other similar services.
  • Identity - identity theft, impersonation of individuals, companies and organizations, fake websites and all kinds of publications under a stolen identity
  • Security - frauds violating the security of citizens and the state.
  • Fraud in the above-mentioned categories that are not satirical or entertaining in nature, are not parodies, pastiches, pamphlets, humorous memes and obvious jokes.


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Attractive cash prizes!

Take part in the competition and win one of the attractive financial prizes. It is up to you whether you want to work in a team or alone. And the recipe for winning is simple - the more works submitted and correctly assessed by the jury, the more points and the place on the podium. 1st places - 15,000 PLN, 2nd place - 10 thousand. PLN, 3rd place - 5 thousand. zloty.The entries will be assessed by a jury consisting of specialists - editors and journalists of the Fake Hunter portal, who verify false and manipulated information published on the web on a daily basis. The winners will be announced on December 10th

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4th edition of #FakeHunter Challenge - Note! Scammer, December 3-5th

We invite everyone who wants to promote the idea of access to credible and reliable information to the #FakeHunter Challenge competition. Together with you, we want to make the public aware of the scale of fake news and the dangers of deceptive content packed in such a way as to make the recipients believe in its truthfulness.

The theme of the 4th edition of the competition will be frauds in cyberspace that relate to the energy, telecommunications, financial, healthcare and cosmetics industries.

Within three days, registered people, acting independently or in teams, will be able to report false information published on the network in the field of, among others: commercial offers, business proposals, impersonating companies or persons in order to obtain personal data, medical practices, miracles diets and medications. Competition entries clearly cannot be satirical, playful, or obviously have the nature of meme or pastiche.

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They support our action

The great commitment of our partners helped us organize the event, so important from the point of view of the fight against disinformation. We appreciate this cooperation and thank you all for supporting the project, which helps cleanse the web of false and misleading information


What is fake news and why is it so dangerous?

In cyberspace, false information, popularly known as fakes, is appearing more and more often on a scale larger than you think. They pertain to many areas of life, consciously or without being misleading. Anyone can be a victim of disinformation or even fraud. Without realizing what fake news is and how powerful it is, we believe what we read and watch too easily. The time of the coronavirus pandemic has shown the importance of the fight against false information. People started to believe that 5G technology causes Covid-19 disease and cancer, vaccines cause autism, and wearing face masks can be dangerous to your health. The victims of information scams on the Internet are, among others, ordinary people, public figures, companies whose market value is destroyed due to fake news.



See what we've already checked

Here you will find all verified information reported to us by Internet users. Find out what was real and what was wrong about the coronavirus, and use this source to rectify false information when you spot it.

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