#FakeHunter Challenge / Economy

„Take the challenge and join the fight against fake news by creating a network
without fake. You also have an influence on what others read.”


#FakeHunter Challenge / Economy have been settled!

Meet the winners of the #FakeHunter Challenge / Economy, a competition, which took place June 11th-13th in Warsaw. During the 3 days of competition, over 500 applications were submitted! The participants fought for attractive prizes.

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We want to fight disinformation and give the public a chance to learn about and understand technologies that help protect the environment, have a positive effect on the economy and our lives.

The two-day competition will be accompanied by a series of meetings with scientists, doctors, energy and telecommunications specialists. We will talk, among others on energy efficiency provided by the fifth generation network, application in medicine, creation of smart cities and houses, where automated systems will adjust the consumption of heating, light or water to our needs, supporting the pro-ecological attitudes of society. We will debunk the myths about the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on human life and health.

Live broadcast of the meetings at: pap-mediaroom.pl and fakehunter.pap.pl


Join the fight against fake news on June 11th - 13th

Register today! Teams of 1 to 5 people can participate in the competition. Points are awarded for reporting false information or preparing a fact-check report based on credible sources of information.

Take the challenge and join us in the fight against fake news, creating a world without fake. Share information about fakes, participate in discussions, follow the profile of fakehunter.pap.pl and convince others to do so. It is also up to you what they read and how they react to this information.

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Submit fake info, report or information about the source of the false information

Have you registered yourself or your team? Cool! You are ready to submit competition entries from 0:01 on 11.06 to 11:00 on 13.06. Use the form below, providing the same email address as provided on the registration form.

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The competition is open to all Internet users over the age of 13 who speak Polish. Points from the works qualified and assessed by the jury are added up. Before that, you must register and decide on the composition of your team. Teams from 1 to 5 members

Konkurs skierowany jest do wszystkich użytkowników internetu posługujących się językiem polskim, w wieku powyżej 13 lat. Punkty z zakwalifikowanych i ocenionych przez jury prac sumują się. Wcześniej należy się zarejestrować i zdecydować o składzie osobowym zespołu. W rywalizacji udział mogą brać zespoły w liczbie od 1 do 5 członków.

Konkurs składa się z dwóch konkurencji:

In this competition the number of entries entered into the FakeHunter system from the area of the thematic categories provided for in the competition, which the jury deems verifiable, is scored.

This competition is a combination of fake hunt competition with the verification of applications carried out by the competition participants, issuing verdicts and preparation of fact checking reports in accordance with the #FakeHunter system fact checking rules.

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Attractive cash prizes!

Everyone who takes part in the #FakeHunter Challenge competition has a chance to win attractive cash prizes. For the first place on the podium - 6 000 PLN, for the second place - 4 000 PLN, for the third place - 2 000 PLN. The rules are simple - the teams with the most points win. Competition works can be submitted in two categories.

The jury supervises the course of the competition and the evaluation of the entries. The winners will be announced on June 18th.

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The 3rd edition of the #FakeHunter Challenge / Economy competition on June 11-13th

We invite everyone who would like to promote the idea of access to credible and reliable information with us, to the #FakeHunter Challenge competition. <strong>The third edition of the competition will focus on economic topics: telecommunications and energy.</strong> Within two days, registered people, acting independently or in teams, will be able to submit fake news on, among others, the impact of 5G technology and electromagnetic waves on human health, renewable energy sources, and the impact of coal-fired power plants on the environment.

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They support our action

The great commitment of our partners helped us organize the event, so important from the point of view of the fight against disinformation. We appreciate this cooperation and thank you all for supporting the project, which helps cleanse the web of false and misleading information


What is fake news and why is it so dangerous?

In cyberspace, false information, popularly known as fakes, is appearing more and more often on a scale larger than you think. They pertain to many areas of life, consciously or without being misleading. Anyone can be a victim of disinformation or even fraud. Without realizing what fake news is and how powerful it is, we believe what we read and watch too easily. The time of the coronavirus pandemic has shown the importance of the fight against false information. People started to believe that 5G technology causes Covid-19 disease and cancer, vaccines cause autism, and wearing face masks can be dangerous to your health. The victims of information scams on the Internet are, among others, ordinary people, public figures, companies whose market value is destroyed due to fake news.



See what we've already checked

Here you will find all verified information reported to us by Internet users. Find out what was real and what was wrong about the coronavirus, and use this source to rectify false information when you spot it.

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